I’m a gamer. Always have been. Well, ever since Mom and Dad let me grip that Atari 2600 controller. Or did the trick to loading a floppy on the Commodore 64 come first? LOAD “*”, 8, 1 If you know, you know Regardless, games have been a part of my life from a very early […]
Hilarious that I began last year saying it was a relatively stable year. Little did I know my “little” stint between jobs was going to last as long as it did (six months) and affect me so much. This year was overall a mixed bag. Continue for more… Job It is telling that this is […]
As mentioned yesterday, I did a lot of these things and I think my success rate was higher than average. Perhaps some of my thoughts will help you? If I had one phrase to summarize what you want from interviewing: be sticky. We live in a time where thousands of people may be considered for […]
I’ve been sitting on this one for six months and now that none of it is fresh in my mind I figured I ought to get down to it 🙃 The actual impetus for this was a friend losing her job yesterday and seeking advice 😢 Luckily, I’ve spoken to a lot of friends and […]
The last half birthday post you’ll get. 😢 You are a marvelous little sister and daughter. You put up with so much from your big sister (it’s a thing – ask me how I know), are so cuddly, funny, and full of spirit. You still have some funny words such as mixing up “anything” and […]
Against my better judgement, after nearly a month off the bike and two weeks of that being spent barely able to walk, I bit off a doozy on my 4th day back riding… And it went surprisingly well despite my weight being up and power being down after that lull combined with some gloriously gluttonous […]