Already with two jobs, a few too many hobbies, and a new marriage, I’m faced with not having enough time do devote to content creation. I have ideas for dozens of articles and my list to to-write is ever-growing, but I’d be living with one fewer job [or wife] if I took the time to expand on the ideas (or would/could this turn into a job too?). I’m pretty happy leaving this as a tertiary gig, but that turns this place, my little spot on the web, into a ghost town when I’m not writing  (I get about 100 hits a day on days I post, but only about a dozen when I don’t), and I don’t like that. This can last for a week or more, but it doesn’t have to.

I’ve got a story to tell, I read many items that I think others would find interesting, I view many items that others find funny, I often have a quick opinion on something that someone else has already put better than I could hope to… Do I dare adopt the linkblog format? I love the idea of presenting more and shaping what I share to create a voice, but am cautiously optimistic of it; what if it causes me to get lazy in my own writing? Keeping this place active with links and commentary is almost too easy. On the other hand, it could lend me more time to put into quality creation as I’ll be less rushed to keep the cobwebs from getting thick.

Some reads on the subject:

So what say you, hearty half-dozen keep up with me on a regular basis? Do you want to see me post with a bit of commentary about external links that I find interesting? Or do you want this place to remain slower-paced and entirely by me? My vote is to up the pace and share more, but I’ll listen to your opinions as I write as much for you as I do for me.