Today marks Mom’s 2nd anniversary since being diagnosed with a Grade IV Glioblastoma multiforme (the worst brain cancer you can have). We were told we’d have around a year with her following diagnosis, but time and again she keeps proving the doctors wrong by having “stable” results. Whatever is in her special chemical cocktail is working some miracles, and I wish I could thank the doctors personally. I recall a story she told me a few months back of her doctor looking at her (possibly hugging her) in disbelief and saying “You know, you shouldn’t be here.” Morbid sounding, but when you’re this face-to-face with death, it’s a welcome musing.

Over the past two years we’ve matured greatly as a family. When you find out someone close to you is dying, you tend to open up to them, share things you wouldn’t have previously shared… You never know when the last time you’ll see them is so each and every word and goodbye is sacred. I prefer her still being with us, but damn it if two years of potentially final goodbyes aren’t hard.

We’ve also gone on two cruises together, Alaska, and most recently the Bahamas, which are our first vacations as a family since we were in grade school. Alaska was amazing and the Bahamas suck, but I digress; both provided equally great family time. If you don’t spend enough time with your parents, schedule a cruise. Few details to worry about and something for everyone.

Mom continues to fight the good fight. I know she’s in great pain, but she doesn’t let it get her too down (I won’t pretend everything is rainbows and unicorns). She is in desperate need of having her second knee replaced, but it’s not an option due to her treatment. Instead, she hobbles around with a terrible crunching and likely unimaginable pain in every step. She needed her appendix out this year, but that was also not an option so instead she had to endure days of pain while they were treated by drugs. She may put on the facade that it’s a cakewalk, but I know deep down it’s not.  She doesn’t need to portray it the way she does, but she chooses to for the sake of those around her. Always the most selfless woman I’ve met. And my hero.

I love ya, Mom!

… now hang in there a few more years and I’ll get you some more grandkids, alright?