• Bryn, 1.75 Years

    Bryn, 1.75 Years

    Over this period Bryn’s speech has really taken off. She’s forming sentences and making sense most of the time. Mia was very advanced in her speech at this age so we were really concerned (I mean, not really) if Bryn were behind her, but she’s met and maybe even exceeded. Feels good. She runs everywhere, […]

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  • I’m on the App Store!

    I’m on the App Store!

    Quick link to the App Store in case you don’t want to read. Background Many, many years ago (5? 6? Yeah, 5) I “invented” a points-based diet based on one I found in Racing Weight. For a year or two, when I followed it, I printed out a spreadsheet and tracked via paper. It worked, […]

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  • QA Links

    QA Links

    For a long time I’ve maintained a curated list of links related to my work in a Google Doc. I’d share it when someone asked, but it wasn’t particularly discoverable and couldn’t easily be contributed to by others. Today I migrated it to an Awesome List over on Github 🚀 I’ll be cleaning it up […]

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  • 2023 Year In Review

    2023 Year In Review

    A relatively stable one! We stayed in one home, didn’t spawn any more children, and I almost held a job through the year. Much of the year was spent in typical “parenting toddler” auto-pilot. Wake up at the crack of dawn, get them to school, work our butts off until pickup time, have dinner, put […]

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  • Walk+Bike+Roll Randolph

    Walk+Bike+Roll Randolph

    Being a huge supporter of multimodal transportation, quickly upon moving to Vermont I became involved in our town’s organization on the subject. The group is still in its infancy, but we’re now online! This post is mostly to announce my participation and the fact I created the site. Yay! I’m by no means leading the […]

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  • Mia and Daddy do NC

    Mia and Daddy do NC

    Perhaps the day I left my job, an idea dawned on me. I can travel! There’s a $49 direct fare from New Haven, CT, to Wilmington, NC (where my family is), via Avelo that it turns out is awesome. The 3-hour drive is less than ideal, and you have to pay for parking, but the […]

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