An XCResult is a bundle of test results created by Xcode. It contains detailed debugging and screenshots. As with all “bundles” on macOS, it’s actually a folder. As such, standard means of storing CI results do not apply. To add to the difficulty of figuring out how to store this on a particular CI, Apple changes the format of this output every couple of years; there may have been a lot of chatter on the subject a few years ago, but it’s worthless now. I was unable to find any help and instead had to cobble together a solution from a couple different places and my head. The solution is no more than a few lines of code, but it took a few days to arrive at. This is the Rubik’s cube of my job that I love.

- run:
    name: Zip xcresult bundle
    working_directory: build/Logs/Test/
    command: zip -r ./Run*/
    when: always
- store_artifacts:
    name: Store xcresult zip
    path: build/Logs/Test/

The difficulties were the following:

  1. I didn’t know much of anything about storing artifacts or test results (there is a store_test_results command, but that doesn’t apply to XCResults).
  2. Figuring out where the xcresult bundle lives; we don’t have much visibility into the CI file system so this was a lot of spraying, praying, and log parsing.
  3. The bundle directory is dynamic (includes a timestamp) so a wildcard would have to be used to match. Unfortunately, Circle’s working_directory parameter doesn’t support wildcards; I’d have to include it in the actual zip command.
  4. CircleCI defaults run steps to only trigger if all previous steps are successful (contrast that to the commands that store things, which always run). If a test case failed, the zip file wouldn’t be created; the step must explicitly be set to always run.

I now get a zip file containing the bundle, which macOS is smart enough to automatically extract. A double-click later and I’m in! Note: This result was a smoke test; we’ve got a whole bunch more than 12 tests ?